Medicaid from Louisiana Healthcare Connections
Get the largest network of Medicaid doctors, pharmacies, specialists, urgent care clinics and other providers in Louisiana.
39,200+ providers statewide*
8,900+ specialists
2,275+ providers for adults
3,300+ mental health and substance use providers
840+ dentists
5,100+ primary care providers
2,100+ pharmacies
3,050+ providers for children
575+ women’s health and pregnancy specialists
Visit our online provider directory to search all in-network providers
You can find a provider online or call us at 1-866-595-8133 (Hearing Loss: 711), Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
*Louisiana Healthcare Connections’ provider network is the largest of any Medicaid health plan, based on the Louisiana Department of Health 2020 Medicaid Transparency Report, Table 4.1 – Total unduplicated count of contracted providers by health plan.